韦氏词典公布的2016年度热词居然是Fuuuuuuck | |||||||||||
//english.dbw.cn 2016-12-28 11:00:19 |
![]() 2016’s word of the year was “Fuuuuuuuuuuck.” 2016年的年度热词是“Fuuuuuuuuuuck”(我勒个擦/妈了个鸡/卧槽……自行翻译吧……)。 In the past, Merriam-Webster’s Word of the Year directly correspondedto the major events of that year. 过去,韦氏年度热词直接和当年主要大事件挂钩。 To rub salt in the gaping wound that is 2016, Oxford Dictionary chose “post-truth” as their word of the year, narrowly beating out “alt-right”, while Dictionary.com selected “xenophobia” as theirs. 2016是在开裂的伤口搓盐的一年,牛津词典选了“后真相”作为年度词汇,紧随其后的是“另类右翼”,而Dictionary网选择了“憎恶外国人”作为其年度词儿。 Those are real. Those are based on millions of searches on their respectivesites. 这些词汇都真是存在着,根据不同网站数百万搜索得来的。 What is meant to be taken as satireis actually closer to the truth than novelty. Would I have chosen “fuuuuuuuuuuck?” 原本具有嘲讽意味,与其说是出新,不如说是倒出了真相。我要是选了“fuuuuuuuuuuck”呢? (敢情你们是随便投投票的吗!!!) 看看还有哪些高频词榜上有名? Shebacle:a situation so messed up and so profoundlyshitty that it reaches past the conventional parameters of a debacle Shebacle:用来只乱作一锅粥的情况,混乱到分崩离析、无以复加,无法用常规尺度衡量。 Disastrophe: fancy portmanteauof disaster and catastrophe Disastrophe:这是个假想的合成词,由”灾难“和"惨剧“二合一而来。 Imbroglio: actual word. means “an extremely confused, complicated, or embarrassing situation” Imbroglio:这个词汇真实存在,意思为”极为困惑不解、令人困窘的情境“。 |
Author: Source:qq.com Editor:Yang Fan |