职场英语:职场竞争力不够?苦命加班却没能升职加薪 | |||||||||||
//english.dbw.cn 2016-11-17 11:09:45 |
![]() 在职场上,为什么有的人努力工作却得不到重用?为什么有的人每天加班也得不到提拔?随着日渐增长的社会竞争力,如何突显自身的价值变得尤为重要。EF英孚教育职业发展部职场导师Annie精心总结了3条实用方法,助你提高职场竞争力。 1)Set up a long-term goal that you can work towards over a 5 or 10 year time period. If you have a clear goal, can learn related business skills, and attend lectures or forums, your struggles will be worth it. You can also participate in short-term courses or online training, to improve your competitiveness. 找准一个可以为之奋斗5年甚至10年的目标,并以此为基础不断学习。只有目标明确了,才能够围绕这个核心付出努力,学习与专业相关的技能:出席讲座、论坛,参加短期课程或者网络培训,来提高你的竞争力。 Eg.Jason is a hardware engineer at a well-known IT company. His goal was to join the project management department. In order to do this, he seized every opportunity he had to improve himself by attending industry related lectures, and training. What's more, he even applied for an on-the-job graduate education program. His learning experiences not only improved his professional knowledge, but also gave him the chance to improve his skill set. Finally, he succeeded in becoming a member of the company's internal project management team. 范例:Jason是某著名IT公司硬件工程师,他的目标是在毕业后五年加入项目管理团队。他为此寻找各种机会给自己充电,除了参加行业分享讲座、短期培训以外,他还申请了PMP项目管理的在职研究生课程,这些学习经历使他扎实了自己专业知识的同时也在工作中得到了锻炼和提升;他也很顺利的加入了公司内部的项目管理精英小组。 2)Broaden your horizons by pursuing your interests and hobbies. As an example, form a habit of reading to learn more information on different industries. Use every opportunity to join industry related clubs, or English speaking classes to improve your professional presence. 拓宽视野,培养并坚持自己的兴趣爱好。比如养成阅读的习惯,了解不同行业的知识来积累自己的厚度和宽度;多参加行业俱乐部或者英文演讲兴趣班也可以增加你的职业素养。 Eg.Jenny formed a good habit of reading while she was in college. In addition to reading books related to her major, she found time to read an extensive number of books on various subjects. This good habit has broadened her horizons and allowed her think independently. While working as a Marketing Coordinator, she often read books about marketing, marketing planning, and internet marketing. She slowly absorbed more information about marketing, and used that to her advantage in her work. 范例:Jenny在大学期间就养成了阅读的好习惯,除了钻研自己专业的书籍,还总是会范读不同题材的各类书籍,这个习惯使她拓宽了自己的视野,看待不同得问题也渐渐深刻了。任职市场部专员以后,她经常在空闲时间阅读市场营销、营销策划、互联网营销等方面的书籍,慢慢地掌握了更多营销方面的信息,工作起来也更得心应手了。 3)Develop good time management practices, and improve your work efficiency. Learn to schedule work tasks and breaks regarding big projects, into smaller tasks. If you can separate the thinking process, and the execution, you will think about the tasks more efficiently and finish your work in a more timely manner. 善于进行时间管理,提高工作效率。学会制定工作计划,把任务归类细分,把思考执行分两步走,你会想得更好,做的更快。 Eg.After graduation, Sally started working at a foreign trade company as an assistant. When she first started, she was in a muddle trying to complete her assigned tasks. After a period of time, she developed her own time management style, such as dedicating 5 to 10 minutes to thinking about her most important assignments. Those assignments should be finished every morning. In the evening she revisited all the work that she wasn't able to complete that day so she can prioritize it for the next day. As a result, Sally has greatly improved her work efficiency and gained her boss's appreciation. 范例:Sally刚毕业就进入一家外贸公司做助理,开始接触这一职位的时候难免会有一些手忙脚乱。慢慢地,她养成了独特的属于自己的时间管理方法,比如每天早上花5-10分钟来思考当天需要处理和完成哪些工作,晚上下班前做一个总结,看看还有什么任务没有完成或者需要进一步跟进的。如此一来,Sally大大提高了工作效率,也因此得到了上司的赏识。
Author: Source:qq.com Editor:Yang Fan |