职场英语:一言不合就辞职?先学学情绪压力管理 | |||||||||||
//english.dbw.cn 2016-11-16 09:47:10 |
![]() 在每个人的职业生涯中,自我情绪管理都是必须面对的课题,而良好的情绪管理能使职场道路更好走。那么,面对就业、升职、繁重枯燥的工作内容、更好的职位选择等各种压力,如何有效缓解?英孚教育职业发展部的Annie导师针对情绪压力管理问题,精心总结了3种强而有力的方法,帮助你有效舒缓压力,做情绪的主人。 1)Insist on learning and improving your soft skills in the workplace, especially time management. Learn to keep a clear mind, focus on the overall task at hand and rank assignments according to their importance and urgency. In this way, it will help you greatly improve your work efficiency. 保持积极好学的姿态,不断提升自己的职场软技能,特别是时间管理能力。学习时刻保持清醒的头脑,着眼于全局并将工作内容按照重要程度和截止日期排序,有效提高工作效率。 Example: When she first entered the workplace, Lily learned how to divide tasks into important and urgent matters and important but not urgent matters. After a period of time, by dividing big task into smaller ones, Lily finished all her tasks step-by-step effectively. Within one year, instead of doing things in a muddle at the beginning, she could deal with emergencies confidently. Now she can recognize her duties clearly, analyze them logically and make decisions quickly. 范例:Lily初入职场首先学会的就是如何把任务分成重要紧急和重要不紧急。慢慢地,她会通过细分的形式来将任务逐步完成;一年的时间,Lily从刚开始的手忙脚乱到现在沉着冷静地应对紧急突发情况,能够做到对工作内容有理性的分析,清晰的认识,并迅速做出决策。 2)Learn to accept the reality of your competence so that you can lower your standards appropriately and handle things within your capability. You should always adjust your mind frame to learn the extent of your abilities. Never overestimate yourself and say no to your boss if you think the task is beyond your abilities. 学会接纳现实中的自己,适当放低标准,做到量力而行。有效调整自己的心态,不要眼高手低,学会认清自己的能力,找到能力缺口去弥补,并适当学会说No,做能力范围内力所能及的事情。 Example: Andy went into a foreign company to be a marketing consultant after graduation. He always accepted extra tasks his manager assigned because he felt awkward when confronted by his boss and didn’t know how to reject new tasks. Gradually, he felt more stress because of the heavy workload. Eventually, he learned how to say no to his boss, and was able to manage his workload according to his limits. 范例:Andy大学刚毕业后进入某外企做市场策划,他总是害怕尴尬不懂拒绝默默接受了很多额外的工作,最终让自己感觉力不从心。于是Andy慢慢学会了拒绝对自己工作没有提升的附加工作,在自己能力范围内完成各项任务。 3)Learn to transfer passive thinking into positive thinking. When you stop thinking about something in a way that is absolute, it allows you to think in another person's perspective, which can help you to relieve stress. If you encounter something irritating or stressful, first determine if your opinion is reasonable. Once you have shifted to another way of thinking, you will feel enlightened and problems can be more easily solved. 学会认知转念法。对任何一件事情的看法都不是绝对的,学会从固执己见到换位思考是减压良方。因此,遇到焦虑、烦躁的事情时,首先要思考自己的想法是否合理,一旦换一个角度思考问题,就会豁然开朗,事情也就迎刃而解。 Example: Mona is an optimistic girl with an open personality. When facing stress in the workplace, she always uses positive ways to manage her emotions and tries to change her perspective in different situations. Even though she has a monthly sales target which stresses her out, she uses this pressure as motivation to improve her earnings. She formed a habit of breaking large tasks into smaller ones. In addition, she takes notes on her work experience so she never makes the same mistake twice. This habit helps her relieve stress and improve her work efficiency. 范例:Mona性格开朗、积极乐观,在面对工作上的压力挑战时,总是会从正面来对自己情绪进行管理,换个角度积极应对。虽然每个月的业绩目标让Mona倍感压力,但转念一想有压力才有动力,努力达到业绩赚钱的同时也能得到认可,何乐而不为呢。她习惯把大的压力拆解成不同的几个小压力,还会将工作经验记在本子上,这一习惯帮助她缓解情绪的同时提高了工作效率。
Author: Source:qq.com Editor:Yang Fan |