短时间高效备考雅思口语 掌握出题思路轻松应对 | |||||||||||
//english.dbw.cn 2016-04-05 10:40:29 |
![]() 相信很多烤鸭拿到了每个季度的预测后,都会有这样一个感受:预测那么多,如何能备(背)完?尤其是备考期不到一个月的考生,更是忙得焦头烂额。新东方在线致赢雅思(课程)李双老师将在本文中重点说一说如何短时间内高效备考看似零散的Part One和Part Three所有题目。 首先要明确一点:雅思是语言技能考试,考官在意的并不是你每道题回答了哪些具体内容,而是你怎么答的:是自然流畅条理清晰地回答,还是磕磕巴巴想到什么说什么?是正确灵活运用了不同句子结构,还是只会用简单句,好不容易用个复杂句还用错了?真实考场中Part One和Part Three部分,往往是一道题目刚答完,下一道题接踵而至,那么如何在这样一个高强度的环境下,从容应对各种问题,避免脑袋短路? 先不说预测题库中你是不是每道题目都有思路,按照预测逐个题目毫无章法地准备显然耗时耗力,也不会根本解决上述问题。其实,将Part One和Part Three所有问题进行分类,只有12种题型(见表1)。也就是说,尽管话题不同,很多题目提问方式其实是有共性的。这也就意味着,Part One和PartThree这部分,我们要攻克的是这12种题型,而不是不计其数的具体题目。笔者根据每种题型的特点和考点,总结了21种好操作的答题方法/结构,帮你轻松应对Part One和Part Three所有题型,而且有些答题方法适用于不同题型。 题目类型 常见问法 个人喜好类 Do you like…? Do you prefer A or B? What kinds of … do you like? Which/who/what is your favorite …? 描述类 Can you describe …?/Tell me about … 习惯日常类 What do you usually do when …? Do you usually …? How often do you …? 其他Wh-问题 经历类 Have you ever done …? Did you ever do … when you were a child? 其他Wh-问题 个人未来打算类 Would you like to do something in the future? What ___ would you like to ____? 普遍流行类 Are _____ popular in China? Do people in your country like _____? What kind of ____ is popular in China? 利弊优缺点类 What are the advantages of ______? What are the disadvantages of _______? What are the benefits and drawbacks of _____? 应不应该类 Should …? Do you think it’s important to do something? What do you think of …? Why类 Why do people do something? 对比类 What are the differences between A and B? How has something changed in the past and now? 建议类 How can we do something? What advice would you give to …? What can be done to …? 预测类 How might something change in the future? What ______ might _______ in the future? 接下来以Part One和Part Three都会出现的“普遍流行类”题目为例,讲解三个答题方法/结构,大家体会一下。“普遍流行类”通常有以下几种提问方式: Are _____ popular in China? Do people in your country like _____? What kind of ____ is popular in China? 这里要注意,“普遍流行类”与“个人喜好类”题目不同,“普遍流行类”关注的是整个社会群体,而不再是你个人的情况,所以拓展答案时不再是谈自己的例子,而是社会大群体的例子。解决这类题型,笔者总结了三中答题方法,分别是:分情况讨论法;由自己城市到全国预测;由面到点(泛泛-具体)。让我们具体来看一下。 方法1:分情况讨论。顾名思义,就是提出两个对立的方面(老年人VS年轻人;男VS女;南方VS北方;冬天VS夏天),然后分别讨论。这个方法可以让我们合理使用If条件状语从句并且展现对比逻辑,具体结构如下: It depends on which season/city/gender/age we are talking about. If…, then… But if …, then … 代入例题如下: Do people in your country prefer to spend time indoors or outdoors? Well, it depends on which season we are talking about. If it’s in summer, most of people are more likely to take part in outdoor activities to enjoy sunshine. But if it’s in winter, people from southern China would still prefer outdoor activities as it’s still relatively warm outside, whereas people from northern China tend to stay at home since it’s freezing cold outside. 另外,分情况讨论的方法也可以用于解答“日常习惯类”部分题目。 方法2:自己城市---全国预测。这个思路首先交代自己不是很清楚整个国家的情况,但是,就自己家乡而言,如何流行或者不流行,然后对全国的情况进行一个推测。这个思路可以展现我们的转折逻辑、因果逻辑以及使用情态动词表示推测的能力。具体结构如下: Well, I must admit I don’t know too much about other cities, but in my hometown, _______. I suppose that other cities may have a similar situation, so it can be said that ______ is quite popular here. 代入例题如下: Are science museums popular in China? Well, I must admit that I don’t know too much about other cities, but in my hometown there is a science museum, which is quite busy, whether it’s during the weekdays or at weekends. Actually, many schools organize students to visit it regularly. I supposethat other cities may have a similar situation, so it can be said that science museums are quite popular here. 方法3:由面到点(泛泛-具体)。这个方法适合“What kinds of ____ is popular”这种问类别的题目。先泛泛的说流行哪几种类型,利用这个展示自己词汇的机会,接着主次分明,选择一个你觉得最流行的重点给细节解释。具体结构如下: … you can easily find many kinds of …, such as … But ____ is definitely the most well-known in China. + 然后给细节具体解释怎么最流行的 代入例题如下: What are some popular handicrafts in China? Oh, I dare to say you can easily find many kinds of handicrafts, like embroidery, Chinese knot and paper crane. But as I see it, paper-cut is definitely the most well-known here. For example, almost everyone in China has learnt to make paper-cuts from art classes in primary school. Also, some patterns of paper-cuts symbolize good luck and well-being, so we like to decorate our apartment with those paper-cuts on the walls, windows or doors, especially during Spring Festival. 由面到点这个思路还适用于“个人喜好类”部分题目。 值得注意的是,每个题目可能有多种思路,同时一种思路可能适用于多种题型,请灵活使用。如果我们把每个题型的答题方法熟练掌握,并且根据话题积累语料,无论考场遇到什么奇葩题目,都是可以对答如流的!
Author: Source:CRI Editor:Yang Fan |