双语阅读:网友集体吐槽在英国经历的文化冲击 | |||||||||||
//english.dbw.cn 2015-11-25 11:11:40 |
Central heating, toilets and accents among biggest culture shocks for people moving to the UK
![]() Confusing accents and odd public transport habits have been listed among the biggest culture shocks for people moving to the UK. 难懂的口音和奇怪的公共交通习惯双双跻身外国人到英国后感受到的最大文化冲击之列。 Users of online message board Reddit were asked "What is biggest 'culture shock' you've ever received either after moving or while vacationing to a new place?" by user thechosenone16 - and responded with a number of humourous observations about life in Britain. 网络论坛Reddit的用户thechosenone16向论坛网友提出了一个问题:“到一个新的地方定居或度假后,你感受到的最大‘文化冲击’是什么?”Reddit网友纷纷给出了有关在英国生活的风趣评论。 "There are no closets in the UK," posted user SurfeitOfPenguins in one entry. 用户SurfeitOfPenguins发表留言道:“英国没有储藏室”。 "Livable space of houses is maybe a one-foot radius around each radiator. Either the sky is completely overcast, or the sky is blue with one single cloud and that cloud is raining. “房子的居住空间周围大概半径1英尺之内必有暖气片。天空要么全阴,要么就是蔚蓝的天空上孤零零飘着一朵云,而那朵云也是雨云。” "Accents are a big deal. A native Brit can pinpoint a person's place of birth, annual salary, and parentage going back three generations within moments of hearing another Brit speak." “口音是个大问题。别人只要一开口说话,土生土长的英国人瞬间就能确定说话者的出生地、年薪,还能追溯到往上三代的出身。” Redditor Dondo666 also pointed out the difference between the British accents as depicted onscreen, and how they are in real life. Reddit用户Dondo666同样指出了银幕上与现实生活中的英国口音的差异。 "English is my 3rd language but I'd say I'm fluent," he said. 他表示:“英语(精品课)是我的第3语言,但我觉得自己说得算得上流利”。 "I have no problem understanding what Americans say 99% of the time. But Brits are a whole other thing entirely. Most of the time I could make out 1/5 words. After a while I stopped asking people to repeat themselves and just smiled and nodded. “99%的情况下,我听懂美国人说话没问题。但听懂英国人说话就完全是另一回事了。大多数情况下,5个单词我也就能听懂1个。不久之后,我就不再请求别人重讲一遍,而只是微笑着点头。” "Brits in British movies I understand. In real life, not so much." “英国电影里的英国人说话我能听懂。生活中?真是听不太懂。” ListenDry, an Indian user from UAE, reported on Britons' obsession with manners, having visited London in 2012. 来自阿联酋的印度裔用户ListenDry曾在2012年来过伦敦。他吐槽了英国人的礼貌强迫症。 "Sorry, please, thank you and welcome were the words to gain respect," he said. 他表示:“对不起、请、谢谢和欢迎这些词要常挂在嘴边,这样才能赢得尊重”。 An international student, the Redditor also summed up other British idiosyncrasies. Reddit上的一位留学(课程)生也总结了一些其他英国特色。 "Taxes were high," he wrote. 他写道:“税很高”。 "Liquor was cheap (even though I don't drink). Heating was central and was timed which was thick. No closets to hide in despair and the rooms were tiny. Accents are vast, from all over the globe. “酒水很便宜(尽管我不喝酒)。定时、中央供暖,但温度很足。房间狭小,绝望时也没有储藏室可以躲。集合了来自世界各地、五花八门的口音。” "Racism does exist but is not visible. It's just that people will ignore instead of verbally or physically assaulting or replying." “英国确实存在种族歧视问题,但不明显。人们只是选择忽视,而不是进行语言、身体攻击或回应。” For French Redditor pompompompompom, it was British toilets that made for a source of cultural confusion. 对于来自法国的Reddit用户pompompompompom来说,让他感受到文化混乱的是英国的厕所。 "Some older toilets have a sort of door handle flush which I can never get the hang of, if you're too slow it won't work, too fast won't work either, it's an art," he said. 他说:“有些老式厕所使用所谓的门把手冲水,我永远学不会。太慢了不行,太快了也不行,简直是门艺术”。 Coming from further afield, a Tawainese Redditor made observations about British dining habits on public transport. 一位来自更遥远的台湾的Reddit用户就英国人在公共交通上吃喝的习惯发表了评论。 The user wrote: "[I was intrigued by] how Brits are allowed to eat and drink on the London underground but still keep the carriages relatively clean. (Taipei’s metro banned all eating and drinking.)" 这位用户写道:“英国人竟然可以在伦敦地铁上吃喝,而车厢还保持得挺干净的。我和我的小伙伴都惊呆了。(台北地铁禁止在车厢内进食、饮水。)” Vocabulary observation:评论,言论,意见 radiator:暖气片 parentage:出身 pinpoint:准确指出 Redditor:Reddit用户 idiosyncrasy:习性,癖好,特性 further afield:在更远处 英文来源:独立报 译者:赵德岷
Author: Source:qq.com Editor:Yang Fan |