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U.S. and China are obliged to work together: Dr. Kissinger
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  • http://english.dbw.cn   2015-09-14 09:07:12

    Henry Alfred Kissinger (Photo/People's Daily Online)

    Henry Alfred Kissinger served as U.S. National Security Advisor and later concurrently asSecretary of State under administration of Presidents Richard Nixon and Gerald Ford. Hisadvice is sought by many subsequent presidents even after his term. Always a good friendto Chinese people, Dr. Kissinger's talk with then Chinese Premier Zhou Enlai in 1971 led tothe rapprochement of U.S. and China. People's Daily had an exclusive interview with Dr.Kissinger at his office in New York on September 10th, 2015.

    Peoples Daily: Dr.Kissinger, you have met President Xi several times. It's not easy at allto govern a country like China. What's your impression of Xi?

    Dr. Kissinger: I have had many conversations with President Xi. He is a man of greatdetermination, who has strong lessons from the experiences of his life, and so I think he isamong the rank of the most significant of China.

    Peoples Daily: President Xi is going to pay a state visit to U.S., what should top the listof president Xis state visit and what are your expectations for this visit?

    Dr. Kissinger: What is most important for China and U.S. both is to base their policy onthe recognition that they are two great countries who need to work in cooperation, not inconfrontation- that is the key thing. And then they should apply this conclusion to anumber of concrete issues, and I am very hopeful that progress would be made. I am of adifferent political party from President Obama, but I fully support efforts by presidentObama to achieve these objectives.

    Chinese leader Mao Zedong (L) and Zhou Enlai (M) met with then U.S. Secretary of StateHenry Kissinger in Beijing, on Feb 17, 1973.(File Photo)

    Peoples Daily: You are a very wise man and you opened the great relation betweenChina and U.S., and you have witnessed the development of this relation for more than 40years. There are a lot of ups and downs in the process of this relation. According to you,historically speaking, how do you see this relation now and whats kind of wisdom do weneed to manage those differences?

    Dr.Kissinger: well, you know when the relationship started, China was at the verybeginning of its economic development. If anybody had shown me in 1971 a picture of whatBeijing and Shanghai look like today, I would have said that this is crazy, it can not happen.And its been achieved so tremendously. I always look at china with the memory of 1971.Though there had been enough economic difficulties, theyve been overcome, so I dont paytoo much attention to it. Now, In the relation between U.S. and China, when we started therelationship, we had a common adversary. But now we dont have a common adversary.But we have common opportunities. If we dont work together, many of them cant bereached. Some of the problems cannot be solved alone by either China or the U.S., like theclimate, environment, proliferation, weapons of massive destruction, or cyber. These areall the things we need to deal with together. Some of these are totally new, like cyber, thatdidnt exist when I first came to China, so of course there will be problems. I am veryhopeful that President Xis visit to U.S. will show progress in some of these field and showprogress in dialogue.

    Peoples Daily: Some say that whether U.S. could ultimately accept China's rising as anequal is a blind spot, and some say U.S.-China relations in a "tipping Point". Do you agreewith this observation?

    Dr. Kissinger: I keep reading these things, and what is the reality? China will be growing,whether we accept it or dont accept it. And it is a reality so therefore. Of course we shouldaccept China becoming what its population and its resources entitle it to be, that should noteven be a debate. We are obliged to work together.

    Now When people say the tipping point, I think a confrontation between China and U.S.would be very unfortunate for both sides, neither side can meet such a confrontation, so inthe nearly fifty years that Ive seen this relationship, people talk about a lot of tippingpoints, but the fact is that eight American presidents have carried out the same policy, fiveChinese leaders have carried out the same, so we are obliged to work together, and weshould work together.

    Peoples Daily: Dr. Kissinger World Order is a great book. In this book you talked aboutthe balance of world order, you know President Xi mentioned several times ofnew type ofmajor country relationship”. According to you, how to promote thisnew type of majorcountry relationsin this new era?

    Dr. Kissinger: I think the presidents of both countries have a focal point in their officesfor relations with the other, either a person or a group, so that the two presidents can keepeach other informed, and keep in contact with each other.

    Peoples Daily: This year marks the 70th anniversary of the World War II, how shouldthe U.S. and China work together to uphold the world order after the war? How could U.S.and China play a more constructive role on the global issues?

    Dr. Kissinger: Youre too young, but I was a soldier in World War II. I was sent toEurope. We started in England, then we went to France, Belgium and finally Germany, mybrother was in Pacific and he was in Okinawa and Korea, so my family had experience ofthe war, my view is always the same on that subject, China and U.S. should cooperate onmaintaining the peace in the world, especially in Asia and that is a joint enterprise.

    Peoples Daily: Two days ago, I talked with professor Vogel in Harvard, the author ofDeng Xiaoping and he mentioned you several times, and he made some suggestions andadvice for president Xis visit. Whats your advice and suggestions for President Xis visit?Because professor said President Xi should meet more common people on the streets, liketalking about something publicly?

    Dr. Kissinger: Professor Vogel is a good friend, but he is a professor and he has noexperience with state visit and it is very difficult for a state visit for the President of Chinato go out on the street and meet common people, especially in Washington. I think heshould have contact to many different aspects of American life and I have met some ofyour people and I think they are attempting to do this, but in a slightly different way fromthat of professor Vogel.

    Peoples Daily: Dr, if you were the Secretary of State today, whats your advice forpresident Obama to handle the U.S.-China relations in his remaining time in hispresidency?

    Dr. Kissinger: Its only a little more than a year left, so very late to do new things, myview is always be, for every president, it is to tell them to talk honestly to the Chinese, totell them what their concerns are, to learn Chinese concerns, and try to solve one or two ofthe obvious problems and I'am sure they are going to do this, I am very confident.

    Peoples Daily: Thank you so much Dr. Kissinger.

    After this interview, Dr. Kissinger wrote to the readers of People's Daily as following:

    To the readers of the People's Daily,

    I look forward to President Xi's visit as a great contribution to peace in the world

    Henry A Kissinger

    September 10,2015


    Author:    Source: english.people.cn     Editor: Yang Fan

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