Singer Ready to Spread His Wings | |
2010-06-28 08:42:13
Han shows his dancing skills during a recent press conference in Beijing. [Photo: China Daily] Han Geng plans to fight a large Korean agency to gain his musical freedom, writes METRO's Xu Fan. Singer Han Geng (or Han Kyung) wants nothing more than to throw away his mask and show his audience his true identity. The 26-year-old Chinese pop star, who has been developing his career in South Korea since 2001, actually had to wear a mask for a while when performing overseas because of broadcasting restrictions. Now, he is working hard to show his Chinese audience the man behind the mask. He strikes to become more successful on the mainland, even though that has meant embarking on a bitter lawsuit with South Korea's biggest pop music producer and agency, SM Entertainment. On a sultry Beijing afternoon this week, Han stood on the Mu tianyu section of the Great Wall and declared that he will not give up in his fight to sever ties with the agency and begin to control his own destiny. "The Great Wall is a miracle in this world and the pride of our nation. I think it's a perfect place to restart from," he said. Singer ready to spread his wings Han's lawyer, Li Guangbao, was also on the Wall to issue a statement on behalf of the star and an update on his lawsuit. Li said the case is still before the courts and a judgment could take some time because South Korea has no restriction on trial length. But Li said he thinks, ultimately, Han will be able to end his contract with the South Korean agency and begin to manage his own future. When asked whether the slow-moving case is troubling him, Han replied: "Justice delayed is justice denied." His agency, meanwhile, is heaping on the pressure and has asked Han for 2 million Korean won for "training fees" and for financial losses it expects as a result of his breach of contract. Han, who had signed a 13-year contract with the agency, decided to end it last year. He released his first solo album, The Heart of Geng on Tuesday. One of the themes of the album is renewal. And he is following up the new album with plans for a concert that is being supported by entertainment industry friends including Hong Kong kungfu giant Jackie Chan and film director Stanley Tong. The performances are set for July 17 and 18 at Beijing Exhibition Center.
Author锛? 銆€銆€銆€Source锛? China Daily 銆€銆€銆€ Editor锛? Wu Qiong |