Tossed Beef | ||
2008-09-10 13:05:05
銆€銆€Materials Beef 600 gCelery 2 stalksDeep Fried Peanut 80 gLime 1/2 pc 銆€銆€Seasoning 1 Pepper Corn 10 pcGinger 2 slicesShaoxing Wine 2 tbspWater 300 ml 銆€銆€Seasoning 2 Fish Sauce 1 tbspLight Soy Sauce Sesame oil 1/3 tbsp 銆€銆€Steps 銆€銆€1) Clean and scald beef in boiling water for 1 minute, drain up 銆€銆€2) Heat wok seasoning 1, boil the beef for 10 minutes, drain up 銆€銆€3) Cut beef into small dices after it turn cool, dish up 銆€銆€4) Tear old veins of celery, chop into small piece, fry by hot oil for 2 minutes 銆€銆€5) Mix seasoning 2, add beef cubes and celery, mix well 銆€銆€6) Dish up all mix materials with sauce, add deep fried peanut, serve (Northeast web) |
Author锛? 銆€銆€銆€Source锛? 銆€銆€銆€ Editor锛? Wu Qiong |